Thursday, November 28, 2019

The UK Conservative Government 1990-1997 and the UK Labour Government 1997-2002 Essay Example

The UK Conservative Government 1990-1997 and the UK Labour Government 1997-2002 Essay The Conservative Government of 1990 under John Major aimed to move urban politics in a new direction. The removal of Margaret Thatcher from office and the re-appointment of Michael Heseltine to the Department of the Environment signalled this change in direction. The policies of the 1980s were based on privatisation with respect to the redevelopment of deprived areas. The policies from the 1980s however received much criticism from the Audit Commission Report, as well as Conservative supporters alike. The Audit Commission had described Urban Support Programmes as a patchwork quilt of complexity and idiosyncrasy, and the economic decline, combined with changing patterns of economic growth led to poverty. During the 1990s however, the governments emphasis was placed on collaboration or local governance, which became more widespread. The need for a governmental change of view from the previous decade was realised in 1990 in the review of Action for Cities. The government called for a spirit of co-operation, of partnership between all of those involved in central and local government, including local businesses. The idea of partnerships between public and private sectors was introduced in May 1991. Much of the literature on the topic of urban regeneration policies is interested in the relationship between local authorities and businesses. The main reason behind this is the urban policy agenda established by the Conservatives in the early 1990s, which was principally about the pooling of resources between local government and businesses. We will write a custom essay sample on The UK Conservative Government 1990-1997 and the UK Labour Government 1997-2002 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The UK Conservative Government 1990-1997 and the UK Labour Government 1997-2002 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The UK Conservative Government 1990-1997 and the UK Labour Government 1997-2002 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The new Conservative Partys first urban initiative, City Challenge was set up in May 1991. This policy was designed by Michael Heseltine, and the emphasis was on partnership and competition. The government invited local authorities to bid and compete with each other for regeneration funds. City Challenge placed local authorities back at the centre of urban policy. In the first round of bidding, 21 authorities were invited to bid, of which 11 were successful. In the second, all 57 urban programme authorities were invited to bid, and 20 were successful. The City Challenge scheme had many critics who questioned the selection process. The policy had run for 18 months when the government announced in November 1992 that they planned to wind down the urban programme and City Challenge. In 1993, the Urban Programme was brought to an end in the 1993 reforms. The Urban Regeneration Agency was formed and brought about the Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) and English Partnerships (EP). EP was officially launched by the government in November 1993, and it brought together English Estates, Derelict Land Grant, and City Grant. It was designed to upgrade derelict land for redevelopment in partnership with local councils and the private sector. English Partnerships was given powers to override local authority planning restrictions, and used the funds to offer financial assistance as a means of gap funding for the areas deemed to be in greatest need. There was a lot of controversy over its role in the process of urban renewal. When the policy was launched, the government announced that there would be one senior regional director for each of the ten regional offices. This top-down implementation placed full control of the region with one senior officer, as oppose to the individual authorities being given more control as they were with the City Challenge policy. The SRB was launched in April 1994. It consisted of 20 existing programmes, which included City Challenge, and also brought about the integration of the regional offices of Whitehall. The budget they had to operate with was  £181million in 1994 and 1995, and  £ 220million in 1996 and 1997. The co-ordination of this policy was welcomed, but critics argued that instead of elected regional bodies, the government had increased central administrative powers. The SRB was considered to be the new flagship regeneration programme and consisted of three main strands: (i) partnership, (ii) integration of social and economic issues, and (iii) competition. Rounds 1 3 of the SRB were conducted under the Conservative Party, however the Labour Party was elected in the middle of round 4. The Labour Party in power (1997-2002): The Regional Development Agencies (RDA) Act was passed in 1998 and set out New Labours policy of delegating the task of urban regeneration to each specific region. The main purpose of the RDAs was to further economic development and the regeneration of the area in question. Other aims were to promote business efficiency, investment, competitiveness, and employment in the area, whilst also enhancing the development and application of skills relevant to employment in the area. The RDAs were officially founded in 1999 and eight were set up in each of the regions, and a ninth for London set up in 2000. The RDAs took over from English Partnerships in terms of the responsibility of regional development. The special functions of the RDAs include formulating a regional strategy in relation to their purpose, promoting regional regeneration, taking forward government competitiveness agenda in regions, and taking the lead on regional inward investment. Following consultation with regional partners, the RDAs presented the strategies to the government in October 1999, and in January 2000, the government responded by giving a broad welcome of the strategies. The governments response was to significantly increase the RDAs budgetary flexibility. New funding was brought together in a single cross-departmental budget by 2002-2003 of  £ 1. 7billion. Government Offices for the Regions were established in 1994, but under the Labour Government, were given an increasingly pivotal role at the heart of Government. The Government Offices (GOs) worked together with the Regional Co-ordinator Unit (RCU), which was established as the headquarters for the GO network in 2000, as a result of the Performance and Innovation Unit Report, Reaching out the role of central government at regional and local levels. Together, the GOs and RCU aimed to cut through bureaucracy and add value to delivery through its shared experience and best practice, bring together key stakeholders and local partners, and providing a high quality of service. This aim was to be provided by combining skills in the GOs at the local level, with the co-ordinating role of the RCU in influencing policy design and implementation in Whitehall. Regional Chambers (RCs) or as some are known, Regional Assemblies (RAs) form a partnership working between local authorities and regional partners. Each chamber has been formally recognised by the Government as being representative of the interests of the region in relation to the work of the regions RDA. Each RC is made up of 70% local authority members, and 30% from other sectors including industry, education, environment, NHS, and TUC. The RCs initial focus was primarily on the RDAs regional economic strategies, and they have also sought to build up effective working relationships with the RDAs, GOs and other regional interests and stakeholders. The Deputy Prime Minister announced a new role for EP in July 2002. The new role provided a fresh mandate and a clear strategy to support sustainable development and growth in England. As part of a mergence with the Commission for the New Towns, EP will work with the private sector, the Housing Corporation, and local authorities to help increase the amount of affordable housing. EP will aim to make best use of the nations supply of land by developing on brownfield land, and by using surplus land in the best way possible. EP will work closely with a range of partners in support of the RDAs regional strategies to try and achieve its targets. Another Labour policy to achieve urban regeneration is the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit (NRU). The NRU was set up to lead and oversee the national strategy for neighbourhood renewal, taking over this task from the Social Exclusion Unit in April 2001. The aim is to deliver economic prosperity, safe communities, high quality schools, decent housing, and better health to the poorest parts of the country. The overall aim is to bridge the gap between the poorest areas of Britain and the rest of the country. The NRU identified the 88 most deprived local authorities in the country and devised a best value programme, by which the Government are to invest a lot of money in improving public services in these areas. This strategy is being funded by the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF), which is  £300million in 2002/3 and will be  £ 25million for 2004/5. Another branch of the NRU is the New Deal for Communities (NDC). The NDC works in a similar way to the NRU, but it places local people at the heart of it. Local people, community and voluntary organisations, public agencies, local authorities and business are encouraged to work in partnership to deliver significant change by turning local peoples aspirations into action. The strategy is targeted over the next 10 years, and aims to develop a local strategy to tackle social exclusion in order to create vibrant and sustainable communities. Comparison and contrast between Conservative and Labour policies: The main difference between the various policies on urban regeneration between Conservative and Labour Governments is the socio-economic factor. The Conservative Party continued the 1980s theme of economic development, albeit with more cohesion and co-ordination. From the outset, the emphasis was placed on partnerships between local authorities and businesses to regenerate economic development, which would in turn provide more employment and bring about social improvements. The competitiveness encouraged local authorities to form partnerships with businesses as it gave a greater possibility of receiving a grant from the City Challenge fund. When the Labour Party first came to power, they formed the RDAs and to begin with, placed the initial emphasis on continuing the economic development. Whereas the Conservative Party only produced a transparent policy solely to increase partnership and competition, whereby local authorities only receive funding based on how well they can submit an application, the Labour Partys policy tied in a lot more objectives. Promoting business efficiency, investment, employment, and developing skills relevant to employment in the area is a much wider policy and the various regions will have different specific policies relevant to each region and sub-region. When the Labour Government integrated the Government Offices with the Regional Co-ordinator Unit, they highlighted the objective to cut through bureaucracy, a total contrast to the Conservative Government. It was the Conservatives policy to increase the level of bureaucracy with the SRB. The increase in administrative powers at the top followed by delegation of funding is a form of top down and trickle down implementation, the opposite approach to that of the Labour Party. It was Labours policy to bring together key stakeholders and local partners via the GO, and a much wider contribution was created in the form of the Regional Chambers. The RC took a bottom up approach in its purist form. It incorporated people from all corners of industry, the market place, and services to form a mixed composition, and worked hand in hand with RDAs to bring together the needs for the whole region. With respect to English Partnerships, the way in which the two governments implemented their policies varied significantly. While the Conservative Party focused mainly on economic growth and employment, the Labour Party dealt more specifically with the housing needs and social problems faced in Britains deprived areas, as they did with the NRU strategy. The Conservatives focused on the development of brownfield sites as a means of generating jobs and providing large flagship projects, as oppose to the Labour policy of providing affordable housing and building new communities. In general the two Governments used similar methods of integration of funds and resources as a means of generating the funding for urban regeneration. The amount of money invested in regeneration by the Labour Government was far greater than that of the Conservative Party and the programmes that the funds were invested in were different to. In conclusion, the Government of 1990-1997 took an economic viewpoint whereas the 1997-2002 Government placed their regeneration policies closer to home with social based policies.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Natural Environment and Nbb Essay

Natural Environment and Nbb Essay Natural Environment and Nbb Essay CASE STUDY Executive Summary The main purpose of this case study is to analyses how the brewery company makes their products different from other brewery company without damaging any environmental or natural resource. NBB was the first company which produces one galloon of beer with the ratio amount of 3.8; 10 which is just half while other company use 5 gallons of water to make one gallon of beer. They change their core value that using more of cans instead of bottles because the cost of bottles is more than the cans while transporting from one to another. Introduction The new Belgium Company was invented by Jeff lebesh and his wife name Kim Jordan. Their main aim is to expand their home beer business to commercial production. However they both believed that they could produce world class beer while maintain all social environment. After sometime the new Belgium Company had become the third most popular largest craft company in overall industry. Their mission of the business is just to provide fine beer to the public without harming any natural environment and maintain the sustainability of the 1989 when Jeff was returned their home from Colorado from her bike trip he was set an quest that he want to serve the different taste of beer to the American’s beer drinkers i.e. essence which he was found in her bike trip in the Belgium countryside. By using their own home experience they both invented a new taste of beer and started to sell in their local market i.e. to their neighbor, friends, local pubs etc. Having a parallel to sometim e in 1991 the company produce only two types of beer name as fat tire amber ale and the darker dubbel.Furthermore,Today now NBB produce more than 18 different style of beer having having all have different taste. The NBB is the first brewery company which done their business while maintaining all business corporate social responsibility toward the without dame environment and the public also. Literature Review The review of previous research accomplishes several purposes. It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the Study being reported, it relates the study to the larger, ongoing dialogue in the literature about the topic, and it provides a framework for establishing the importance of the study. It can serve as a benchmark for comparing the results of the study with other findings. Methodology This section specifies the type of research design utilized in the paper, such as the approach to data collection, analysis, and report writing. It should detail the context of the research, e.g. type of organization, jurisdiction, indicate how subjects were selected, e.g. random, key informants, discuss techniques for data collection, e.g. interviews, questionnaire, document review, study of case files, and explain the underlying rationale for these decisions. It may be useful to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen design. Study A case study is the study of the particularity and complexity of a single case. Relevant cases will include public and not-for-profit administrators and their programs. Most often, these cases will be embedded in a political system in which actors exercise power and influence over processes and decisions. We are interested in cases for both their uniqueness and commonality. Cases are "bounded, integrated systems;" hence, we observe working parts that connect people with programs in some sort of purposive fashion. Some cases are so important in themselves that we focus on studying their intrinsic qualities. Other cases are applicable to important public administration and public policy questions. Hence, they are considered instrumental to understanding larger issues Analysis 1. What is the ethical issue in this case? The NBB always do a commitment in the starting when they starting to expand their business. If and Kim developed a set of core values that

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global City Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global City - Essay Example It was in the 1960s that the world saw crucial changes in the organization of economic activity (Sassen 2001). These changes manifested in the economy of the world, as well as in different forms specific to particular regions. Some of these changes are recognizable even after half a century in the modern world. These include the loss of the power and authority of the industrial centres set up in the US, UK and in Japan as well. Other changes that can be recognized include the rapid increase in the industrialization process of many developing countries and the fast pace of the financial industry in taking on, and making its own, the extensive structure of transactions spread all over the world (Sassen 2001).Sassen (2001) observes that all of these changes had an impact on the connection between the cities and the global economy. In the years immediately after the Second World War, the world saw a dominance of the US over various aspects of the global economy. However, a few decades la ter, the trend started to change, and the early 1970s were witness to dissolution of the control that the US held. With the fall of the central power of the US, a chasm was created in the global economic activity, which was quickly filled by US transnational industrial firms and banks. During the time period after the fall of the transnational elements, the reins and the subsequent nature of the activities of global economy were in the hands of the US transnational firms and banks. However, within the space of a few years, the Third World debt crisis shattered the control of these US firms and banks, resulting in huge losses for them. The international economy was not broken into splinters by the debt crisis; its survival transformed it into a complicated hybrid of duality: â€Å"a spatially dispersed, yet globally integrated organization of economic activity† (Sassen 2001). The creation of spatial dispersal, coupled with global integration, has

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A perspective of modern labour relations Orange Business Services Research Paper

A perspective of modern labour relations Orange Business Services - Research Paper Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that Charles Leadbeater one of the world’s leading authorities on innovation and creativity in organisations said, the primary role of organisations is to get work done. This necessitates that (1) organisations must motivate its people to work so that they contribute most effectively to the collective behaviour; (2) coordinate the collective output to ensure that it fits together and takes place in the right order; and (3) they must innovate continuously by learning, adapting and evolving with the demand of the environment in which they operate and explore opportunities for change. Yet experience dictates that this seemingly simple analogy: motivate; coordinate; innovate is in fact is most complex task for corporates across continents and commerce, some of which apparently are in the state of civil war. As old industrial world recipes of organisation, work and leadership are gradually becoming passà ©, organisations are innovating to find newer ways of motivating, coordinating and innovating simultaneously with more and more open and networked organisations. Wikipedia, Linux, eBay, YouTube, and many more organisations operating in that direction have raised questions on the concepts of traditional, top-down closed organisations. Organisations are now moving from highly collectivised and unionised environments to highly individualist entities bringing newer realities for labour relations. Amidst this, the author made an attempt to get the current perspective of labour relations in a successful multinational technology enterprise – Orange Business Services. The author interviewed unofficially the officials engaged in labour relations division. The objective was to understand how an old world enterprise such as French Telecom has evolved its labour relations to become one of most successful branded service provider worldwide. The choice of Orange business services was obvious as it is a glo bal leader in communication services with a highly technical workforce that are able to deliver coherent innovative services in spite of working in areas such as cloud and convergence where organisational hierarchies are difficult to prevail . Besides, Orange with a clientele of over 3700 multinational companies in the sphere of collaboration, customer relationship management, mobility, M2M and vertical solutions was a fit case for the study as the company is a recipient of many awards and accolades including the Best Global Operator award at the World Communications Award for four consecutive years (2006-2009) (the only company to have this); and the ‘World Class’ ranking for superior customer satisfaction for the tenth consecutive time (SITA, 2011). 2. Labour relations at Orange Business Services The author interviewed the Labour Relations Manager of Orange Business Services, by a prior appointment in their newly acquired premises where nearly over 2000 employees in v arious cadres were engaged. This office now housed all the employees which were working in three different parts of the city. However, the Labour Relations Manager agreed for this interview on an informal and anonymous basis. For the purpose of referencing, he advised to approach the company headquarters and obtain permission prior to interviewing. However, due to paucity of time and the requirement being largely to meet academic needs, the author went ahead with the interviews. Due to this

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Evolution of the Use of Wool and History of the Plow Term Paper

Evolution of the Use of Wool and History of the Plow - Term Paper Example The discovery of the plow also helped man in his activities such as farming. Science and technology has enhanced the improvisation of wool over the years thus keeping wool in the forefront of the rest of the fabrics. Wool has thus adapted to the modern standards in spite maintaining its previous features. It also takes a large part in the history of Britain. During the cradle of humankind around 1900 BC, weaving of wool into cloth became the main activity practiced. Domestication of sheep in the other areas started earlier (Lewis and John 1). Man soon realized that sheep produced milk and during the milking process, sheep shed its fleece, which made its acquisition easy and woven into cloth. Man discovered the several benefits he got from the sheep and thus decided to domesticate and rear it. Soon after domesticating sheep, man devised a way of getting cloth from fleece. He invented weaving and spinning the fleece into clothing. Man continued with the production of wool until it reached time where wool became the major export (Lewis and John 13). With time, the wool industry expanded a great deal. Exporting of wool increased and so did the manufacturing of wool fabrics and thus it became localized and specialized. Countries such as East Anglia and districts of Pennine had soft water, which makes the fabric more firm and compact surface. The Huguenot refugee weavers who sort refuge in France in the sixteenth century brought their weaving techniques with them and thus England surpassed Flanders in the wool manufacturing company and it stimulated the export rate. Introduction of machinery and mechanization in the industry of wool raised the standard of production of wool (Holsaert 105). This resulted into introduction of several other types of wool, which includes shape-Leeds, Bradford, Udders field, Halifax, and Wakefield. The sheep industry has greatly increased in the world. The natural coat of the sheep needed

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Teaching Of English Language English Language Essay

The Teaching Of English Language English Language Essay Nowadays English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. Increasingly people are getting in the learning of English, since it is really important to both the personal and professional level. Learning other languages gives us freedom to travel and communicate with other people in the world. We are exposed to English all the time, when we are watching TV, when we watch an advertisement or even when we use our own languages. However, the exposure to English is not enough to learn vocabulary, so new methods have to be used. Teaching English is not always easy; you have to engage students in the process of learning and motivate them to get the best results. A variety of methods have appeared in the field of grammar and vocabulary and old methods have disappeared with the pass of the time. During the last decades students were provided large lists of vocabulary, and they had to study them by repetition. This method of repetition resulted boring and not motivating for students because they didnt do connection between words and ideas, and they didnt interact with the rest of students. Students often feel anxious and bored when learning vocabulary, because they dont feel part in the process of learning; they have a passive role when learning vocabulary and they forget it easily because interaction is not present. There are lots of ways of learning vocabulary; many people improve their English vocabulary trough different methods such as reading interesting books or watching fun films in English. Games, in general, are designed to build vocabulary skills and to motivate students to learn without effort. Vocabulary can be taught by different games, such as; crossword puzzle, hangman, word search, bingo and so onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ To engage students in the study of vocabulary, teachers have to apply games in class and have to make connections between words and ideas and also between words and pictures with youngest students. The use of games in class helps us to build vocabulary skills faster and more efficient. In Games for language learning (2005) Wright, A., Betteridge, D., Buckby, M. explain why to use games, and they establish that: Language learning is hard work. One must make an effort to understand, to repeat accurately, to adapt and to use newly understood language in conversation and in written composition. Effort is required at every moment and must be maintained over a long period of time. Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work I think that this extract summarizes clearly the importance of using games in the process of teaching English as a second language. The game that is going to be explained in this paper is the BINGO. With the use of games, relationships are created within the class, because all students interact together without taking into account their English level. I have chosen a Bingo game focused on job vocabulary and establishments to enlarge different fields of vocabulary. When students are involved in the process of learning a foreign language, they must participate in communicative task-based activities which help students to improve their vocabulary making the process enjoyable. In 1972, Dell Hymes introduced the concept of Communicative competence which focuses on giving students the opportunity to participate and interact in real life situations. Vocabulary games are useful to reach this concept, because students are involved in an atmosphere of communication and interaction all the time. It is very important that students understand the game they are going to play. Bingo game is an useful way of catching student ´s attention, but it must be explained by the teacher to the class to avoid confusion. All students are given a card with different job and establishment vocabulary. Then, the teacher has to do a kind of demonstration of the game with some students; instructions can be written on the board if it is necessary. Once all students have their Bingo cards and they have understood the game, they start to play. The students can be organised by groups at first and later individually. In this case the role of teacher is relevant because he/she must participate in the game and read aloud the words of the vocabulary list. This game can be adapted according to students ´ English level. For example, if they have not a high level of English, teacher can pronounce the vocabulary words in English and in that way, students have only to recognise the sounds. However, if stu dents have an advance level, the teacher can present the vocabulary words by phonetic transcription written on the board. Discipline is important but cannot be established by shouting, which, in any case, ruins the whole spirit created by enjoyable games (DeCarrico, J. 2001. Vocabulary learning and teaching. Boston: Heinle Heinle)g Bingo game is an interesting way of learning new vocabulary, however there could be some discipline problems during the class if students do not participate actively. The most known problem when using a game in a second language is that they use their first language and not the second language. The teacher has to encourage students to use the L2, because it is a game and it takes part of the process of learning. To avoid all these discipline problems general rules of the game have to be well explained at the beginning of the class. The rules can also be written on a poster by students and in this way they will understand easily the general rules. If students make lot of noise in the class, raise your hand and try not to shout. The students can be organised in groups making the class more dynamic. In conclusion, I think that vocabulary games are a good option to improve vocabulary in a second language, because it is a different way of catching students attention. Students can learn without effort, and they feel relaxed and motivated in the process of learning. Old methods were based on large lists of vocabulary and it makes students feel bored and anxious when studying new words, so with the introduction of new communicative methods, this has changed and now learning a second language can be funny and enjoyable.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong as Metaphor Essay example -- Things

Sweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong as Metaphor  Ã‚   The Vietnam War is a strange and unexplainable event in American history. The controversies surrounding the American involvement in Vietnam and the need for Vietnam veterans to tell their stories of the war are prevalent in the post-Vietnam culture of America. "The stories that will last forever are those that swirl back and forth across the border between trivia and bedlam, the mad and the mundane"(89). The story of the sweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong explains this quote of the veteran stories never make exact sense, but they are stories from a war that never quite made exact sense either. The story of "Sweetheart of the Song of Tra Bong," involving a young girl coming to Vietnam for her boyfriend, becomes a metaphor for the rite of passage that a young soldier would experience during his service in Vietnam. The other soldiers in the medical detachment were shocked and amazed at the arrival of Mary Anne, Mark Fossie's girlfriend. She arrived in a typical Americana glory, with her "strawberry ice cream complexion," and in a somewhat lost and tired daze. Her journey was a myriad of plane connections and layovers. Even in her arrival a metaphor is seen as to how a soldier would arrive in Vietnam. The exact arrival of soldiers into the war is somewhat a confusing and shocking fact of debate. Mary Anne was only seventeen when she arrived in Vietnam, but the soldiers over fighting were not much older than her, many the exact same age. After the initial shock of landing in Vietnam wore off, Mary Anne became curious of her surroundings and what was going on in the war. This also is what a young soldier would experience during his first days of service, and he was trying to u... ...ut the hidden thoughts and feelings of the narrator are the real things that need to be examined. The Vietnam War is so colluded with uncertainties that it's meaning and questions of why are still lingering in the minds of citizens of the United States. Although this interpretation of the metaphor is not one that many adhere to when they first read the story, it is one that deserves some attention. The story can be seen as this transformation of the soldier while serving in Vietnam. This story explains some of the smaller battles that the soldiers went through. They fought for their own identity, killing, and survival. All these battles can be seen through Mary Anne and her trails while in Vietnam. The story of Mary Anne ends with her going to the jungles of Vietnam never to be seen again, and this happens to the soldiers, they will always have Vietnam in them.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Talent Acquisition Strategies for the 21st Century.

In the past five years, we have gotten a taste of what is going to feel like in a market where there are simply not enough qualified people to fill jobs needed to be filled. The recent downturn has caused organizations to stop many of the programs that were starting to show promise in the field of Human Capital Management, particularly on the recruitment side of the house. In these testing times, one needs to have proper strategy in place to be successful in any venture.In business you cannot do everything by yourself. You need capable and highly accomplished people to assist you in achieving the goals that you have set for your organization. Today, we are in the era of ‘War of Talent'. Wherein it is becoming more and more hard to get right kind of talent and keep hold of them. Many organizations are trailing to competitors because they are not able to hire â€Å"right type of people† and retain them. â€Å"What is the difference between ‘Recruiting' and ‘St rategy Talent Acquisition'? Recruitment is nothing more than filling the vacant positions, whereas Strategic Talent Acquisition is a long term process. It is not only concerned with filling the vacant positions today, but also using the prospective candidate data for filling similar positions in future. Strategic Talent Acquisition allows an organization have a pool of competitive talent that could be used for filling the positions in future. Executive leadership cites the procurement of human capital among their top concerns.The first step to address this reality is the recognition that successful talent acquisition is no longer an annual process, but instead is the process of building long-term strategies. Whether it is board room pr factory floor, a combat is swiftly taking shape. It will unquestionably redefine how organizations do business in the 21st- century market. A prophesy of the warfare came two decades ago, when Mckinsey consulting predicted a progress in the business s etting that could later on become the most serious issue facing HR managers.This ‘Talent war' or skill shortage is threatening the very existence of many corporations. It is believed that around 1/3 of business failures are due to inappropriate hiring decisions and their inability to draw and keep hold of right kind of talent. ‘Star Performers' who don't get enough opportunities for growth and advancement in their current job often change jobs, and the shortage of talent becomes apparent. In this ‘War of Talent', there's a need for long-term, and strategic talent acquisition. Organizations can no longer erely fill the positions as and when any vacancy arises. They must think ahead to deal with the sudden exodus of talent and adapt their strategies to allay the high turnover risk. Traditionally organizations do not consider the recruitment process as one of tactical importance, but in recent years many organizations are facing this harsh reality that they no longer have a wide pool of candidates to choose from. Several changes in the past few years have tipped the balance in support of the highly talented individuals. Internet is one such change.It has brought the whole world into your living room. Candidates can now look for jobs online and send and receive enquiries about prospective positions within hours. Things are Further complicated by ‘Generation Shift'. It is the change in outlook amongst the generations of workforce who'll stay put in the next few decades. Today's young generation of workforce has the outlook and pattern of behaviour that differ noticeably from preceding generations. No longer pleased to waste their whole career with one company, generation Y prefers work-life balance over loyalty.They are very much mobile and do not waver to look for a different position somewhere else if work-life balance is hurt or if they are treated badly. Furthermore, they may merely look to alter the landscape every couple of years, movi ng to different part of the country to experience diverse cities or industries. Disparate to their parents or grandparents, they are ready to change jobs and switch to different company and might even regard as staying with the same company to be an indication of lethargy or lack of objective. Acquiring ‘Star Performers' is a both art and science.The key to success is to be able to attract the ‘Top Performers'. Encouraging ‘Top Performers' to identify other top performers outside your organization is an extremely useful tool. Corporations offer reward to their employees in order to get these names. Money can be an important factor in attracting ‘Top Performers', but it's not the only element. Being able to shape an opportunity and make it look exciting will always attract top talent. Today more and more organizations are using benefits and perks as incentives to retain the talent.The main idea behind the talent acquisition is to move away from a reactive thin king i. e. to recruit when an individual is either promoted or leave the organization to a more pro-active one involving building of the desired skill sets. An all-inclusive, competency-based procedure will assist in identifying, developing and retaining top performers, and ensuring sufficient knowledge transfer for the subsequent generation of workforce. A focus on retention will not only aid in implementing a succession plan, but will also work to tackle generational differences when recruiting these new generation employees.Supporting employees in maintaining a positive work-life balance will aid in retaining younger employees, and also young mothers who are raising children, or employees who are pursing educational opportunities. An assortment of scheduling options – and eagerness to work with your workforce on those options – makes an organization attractive to work in, and boosts the morale of existing workforce. It is also important that you make your employees clearly aware of their performance. This will not only build confidence of your employees but will also help them to grow.Provide feedback to your employees, and encourage them to improve their performance. Engagement is everything for new generation workforce. Habituated to receiving feedback via a multitude of technologies and social media. The members of this generation wish to see that their contributions and efforts are appreciated and recognized. Companies which demonstrate appreciation for hard work of its employees and which recognize the value of their workers contribution will be the ‘Employer of Choice' and find it easier to retain top talent.Keeping existing workforce happy can be one of the company’s most efficient promotion strategies, as workers praise their employers and extend positive buzz both inside and outside the organization. In the similar fashion, the talk of discontented employees can negatively influence the company’s hiring and retenti on efforts. Poaching is one of the quickest way to get talented people onboard and it is not unethical as well. If I identify a talented person who fits my requirement and is working in another company and if I can lure that talent in to my organization then there's nothing wrong in doing that.In the end, I like to conclude that there is no â€Å"silver bullet† that will guarantee that a company succeeds in its efforts to construct a prolific, and adaptable workforce which is competent enough to meet and exceed the companies goals. Understanding a candidate’s motivational fit is extremely crucial in all recruitment and retention efforts. Studies have proved that motivational fit is the sole major predictor of malingering, turnover and overall employee satisfaction. If people are pleased with their position and pleased with their compensation and other benefits, they will be more prolific and in turn your company will be more productive.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Port Authority Helping Essays

Port Authority Helping Essays Port Authority Helping Essay Port Authority Helping Essay As you can see our port has a deep rooted history in our community and in our economy. Also, our port has some special features; for instance we have deep water docks allowing us to have large freighters come into our port. Additionally, our port is a destination port in that most of the goods that come in through the port are going somewhere within fifty miles of the dock. Lastly, our Cleveland Bulk Terminal (CBT)2 is amazing in that it has 1850 linear feet of dock with a loop track for ship to rail distribution. A couple of years ago the company removed the giant and obsolete huletts that used to unload the ships into trains, relying now on self-unloading equipment on ships. Trucks are not used because there is no haul road. This summer Oglebay Norton is hoping to bring the automatic loading equipment from the Lorain Pellet Terminal to enable easier re-loading of ships for International Steel Group. Through all of the current turmoil about the port it has been trying to exonerate its self and improve its image. The dispute has brought up two alternatives for the port; one is to leave the port as it is and make Whisky Island into a park; the second is to put the section of the port on the east bank of the river on Whisky Island and make the east bank area a park. Both are controversial as there are the Friends of Whisky Island who want the Island to become a park; while the port wants to just exist downtown. Some people believe that the port should go away all together. They dont realize that the ships bring goods from overseas, and those goods come into the citys factories, which either package them or make other products from them. Then, the factories ship the products out to be sold, thus, promoting trade and economic growth in the city of Cleveland and the whole country. As I mentioned before, the port is just striving to exist in downtown Cleveland. This is because of the deep water docks I also mentioned earlier the deep water docks are unique on the great lakes and very important to our economy. If the port were to be moved very far from its current locale there could be great expense taken to dredge a new location in an attempt to recreate deep water docks. In the current debate NOACA is the main intermediary; NOACA has set up a team of four city planners, one of which is from the city planning commission and three outside counsels, who have been holding meetings in different neighborhoods that might be affected and are taking in ideas. Many people like the idea to move the port to the west bank and free up land on the east, although it is unlikely. Thus, I can safely conclude, that the port is one of the biggest players in what will happen to our lakefront. It can either move or stay put. Although, it just wants to continue to exist and are continuously embellishing their own cause to make people think they are important. They are really important to recreation and our economy because they own the land and promote trade and economic growth. The port is a necessity and here to stay.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

buy custom Emotional Tone of Virtual Team essay

buy custom Emotional Tone of Virtual Team essay Today, it is believed that leaders serve as the coordinators and the handlers of the emotional tone of virtual team. It is important for the members of the virtual teams to adopt an automatic style of handling all types of tasks whether they are important or not. Therefore the leader is required to pay more attention towards the maintenance of team work. The numbers of leaders are not limited to one in virtual teams. Researches have proved that virtual teams can functions even with more than one leader. The reason for this is that the parts of the people are many and each must be adopted by one another. Team members consider perceived amounts of communication, intelligence and encouraging and authoritarian behaviors to identify emergent leaders. Only few researches conduct in field to about the virtual leadership show that effectiveness of virtual teams can only be maintained by adopting an attempt to mentor the characteristics of both transformational and instrumental leadership. (S urinder, Jerry, Suling, Bruce, 2000) However, one but be little warned the outcomes of the field study of virtual leadership is not quite statistically valid because mostly the teams are students are used to collect data rather than organizational teams. Most of the work done on virtual leadership is done by using students virtual teams for data collection. However, these teams are usually regarded as not being completely virtual rather they possess some attitudes of virtual teams. (Surinder, Jerry, Suling, Bruce, 2000) A study was conducted by Alex to find out the confirmation of virtual team structures, trainings of different leadership styles and the complexity of tasks upon the consequences of virtual teams. Most of the researches on the virtual leadership style are done side by side. Most of these claim the success and effectiveness of transformational leadership rather than transactinal leadership. However, adaptation of transformational leadership style is not appreciable and suggestible in case of virtual communication with the help of computers. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) The structural configurations, leadership styles and task complexity of different teams will be influenced by the quantity, quality and leader centrality. This in turn will serve as a mediating agent and will affect performance of the team and will affect the outcomes of the teams affecting the satisfaction of the leaders. Information Technology has shifted the teams to move from their former traditional existence of face to face to the electronic groups. And have given opportunity of communicating with each other via video teleconferences, e-mails and mobile cellular phone conversations. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Virtual teams can occur at remote areas because they do not need to maintain a union. Virtual team provides the organizations with an opportunity to become more flexible and combine the sharp people together to perform the duties of the organization in a cheaper and quicker manner. Most of the studies conducted in the favor of virtual teams are upon similar to the researches conducted under other studies It is important for the organizations operating at the international level to maintain their branch office abroad. They can integrate easily in the form of virtual teams by utilizing the information technology. In this way they will take benefit of the global marketplace more easily and in a more coordinative manner. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Virtual leadership can be comprehended via aspects It is significant to understand the impact of change in collectedness upon the team processes. It is crucial to take in to consideration and study the immpact if different types of leadership. To understate what leads to the change in the perceived leadership effectiveness in a virtual team in a situation when the task is complex. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Most of the studies conducted in the favor of virtual teams are upon similar to the researches conducted under other studies. The behaviors and traits of leadership that are not the same for the virtual environment. Three areas were examined by Alex these are The implications of different types of virtual structures on effectiveness, the impact of the task complexity in both collocated and virtual team configuration and it will examine the impact of different types of leadership behaviors on effectiveness. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Laura conducted a study the cause of different styles of leadership and communication media on team processes and outcomes. The data was collected using face to face and text based chat processes. The purpose of the study was to find out how transformational and transactional leadership affects the interacting styles of virtual leadership an the consequences of this interaction was also analyzed it consisted of team cohesion and task performance. The results of the study showed that the different styles of leaderships do not have any impact upon the interacting styles of team members or the results of such interactions. The results showed that interactions in case of face to face communication is higher as compared to video conferencing and chat teams but in case of video conferencing the interaction was much higher than the chat teams however, such type of communication was not very much important maintaining good task performance. However it was also found that virtual teams work a s effectively and cohesively as do the traditional teams. (Alex J. Barelka, 2007) Buy custom Emotional Tone of Virtual Team essay

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Popular culture 5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Popular culture 5 - Assignment Example Hip hop culture was extended beyond music to include films including Wild Style and Style Wars; a documentary made in 1983 on the hip hop culture. Style Wars captured the essence of the ramshackle subway system in New York as public playground of the graffiti writers, spectacular artistic canvas, and battleground. While the New York Transit Authority and the police opposed them by all means, the city was rocked by the DJs, MCs, and B-boys whose new moves, new sounds, and breakdance battles around the street corners catalyzed the evolution of a new dimension of performance arts (â€Å"The Original Style†). These films particularly helped expand the hip hop culture’s appeal beyond New York. The hip hop culture was omnipresent in the performing arts of the 1980s and the 1990s because young Black Americans, who were freshly coming out of the civil rights movement saw it as a way of demonstrating the limitations of the movement to the wider world. The conservatives vigorously opposed hip hop because it romanticized law-breaking, the culture of gangs, and violence. Hip hop expanded beyond boundaries in the 1990s (Katz 180). It had become practically synonymous with the culture of American youth especially because it was loved by the legions of the white youth. â€Å"White fans no longer listen to hip-hop on the sly or surreptitiously rhyme in front of the mirror; they form bands and rhyme on MTV† (Aaron). The underlying connotations of the growing hip hop culture was the growing influence of Black Americans on the culture and media of America. Hip hop music culture of the 1980s and 1990s lent Black Americans their unique identity in media and literature and served as a platform for them to portray their concerns to the society and the world at

Friday, November 1, 2019

What is the role of celebrity endorsement in marketing communication Essay

What is the role of celebrity endorsement in marketing communication - Essay Example Celebrity endorsement is a method of brand communication whereby a celebrity uses his or her popularity and acts as a spokesperson for a particular product. Celebrity endorsements are seen to have a long lasting impact upon minds of consumers. A celebrity is an individual who enjoys public attention and are famous for their achievements. In celebrity endorsement, celebrities use their recognition on behalf of a product and appear alongside it. While choosing celebrities for endorsing products, firms should keep in mind that there must be an adequate match between characteristics of the product, personality of the celebrity and nature of target consumers. It is necessary for the target market to have adequate familiarity with the celebrity endorsing a product. There should be a symbolic match between brand image and that of the celebrity (Nelson, Tunji and Gloria, 2012). For instance, a brand selling sports shoes can endorse its products through a famous sports personality. Companies try to associate qualities of a celebrity with that of the product. Through celebrity endorsements, it becomes easier for consumers to recall ads while viewing the product. In order to gain these kinds of advantages, companies pay huge sums of money to celebrities and align their products and brand with the endorsers (Kansu and Mamuti, 2013). The contract between celebrities and the brand for the purpose of endorsing products are generally made for a considerably long time. Firms that choose celebrity endorsement for their products are not seen to frequently change face of the brand. This helps in establishing stronger identity and brand image. Celebrity endorsements are largely viewed as a long-term strategic decision, which affects brand’s value in the market (, 2013). The individual who endorse a product helps in creating strong perceptions about the brand. When consumers view the